
Manufacturers, importers, local distributors, suppliers of PACKAGING products and brands. Vendors, contractors, companies offering sale, rental, installation, setup, repair and maintenance services of packaging machinery and equipment.

ARCYA Clear Glass Containers

Brownstone Asia-Tech ~ supplier of materials testing, analytical and laboratory equipment

Calypso HDPE, LDPE, PP, PS Plastic Products

Filpet PET Bottles

Hillsdale Marketing ~ food processing equipment, packaging equipment, bakery equipment, hotel and restaurant equipment, supermarket equipment

Letech Plastic Containers

Loopex Packaging Machines

Mettler Toledo ~ manufacturer of precision instruments

Metro Ace HDPE Bottles and Containers, PET Bottles, PP Bottles

SPCC Bagging Equipment, Filling Machine

Synergy Packaging Machinery, Equipment, Supplies

UET Box Manufacturing Corp. ~ packing materials manufacturer


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ARCYA Glass Corporation ~ manufacturer of clear glass containers for the beverage and food industries


Brownstone Asia-Tech ~ supplier of materials testing, analytical and laboratory equipment


Filpet ~ manufacturer of polyethylene terephthalate bottles and containers


Hillsdale Marketing ~ food processing equipment, packaging equipment, bakery equipment, hotel and restaurant equipment, supermarket equipment


Letech ~ plastic containers for the food, paint, chemical, cooking oil, motor oil, veterinary and other industries


Metro Ace ~ outdoor furniture, plastic crates, plastic bottles and containers


Mettler Toledo ~ manufacturer of precision instruments such as laboratory balances, test weights, counting scales, load cells, metal detectors, pipettes, truck scales, forklift and pallet scales, density meters, refractometers, wrapping machines etc


UET Box Manufacturing Corp. ~ packing materials manufacturer


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