
Manufacturers, importers, local distributors, suppliers of ELECTRONICS & SEMICONDUCTORS products and brands.

Acez ~ test and measurement instruments for temperature, pressure, humidity, level and flow processes

Avesco Testing and Measuring Instruments

BAG Electronics Control Gear for Linear and Compact Flourescent Lamps

Brownstone Asia-Tech ~ supplier of materials testing, analytical and laboratory equipment

DAC Industrial Electronics Autonics Sensors, Controllers, Motion Devices

Digi-Key Electronics

Idec Control Units, Relays, PLCs, Timers

Maedan Viscom Fully Automatic Wafer, Integrated Circuit Inspection

Murata Electronics

Solanda Onwa Marine Electronics


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Acez ~ test and measurement instruments for temperature, pressure, humidity, level and flow processes


Brownstone Asia-Tech ~ supplier of materials testing, analytical and laboratory equipment


Digikey ~ electronic components distributor


Maedan ~ distribution of equipment, materials and consumables to the electronics, semiconductor, automotive, pharmaceutical, consumer and food industries


Murata ~ advanced electronic materials, electronic components, multi-functional modules


Solanda ~ gasoline engines, marine parts, generators, submersible pumps, brush cutters, hand tractors, electric motors


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