We offer surplus trucks and brand new/surplus automotive parts available for shipping nationwide.

Sample Units:

Kia Bongo Silent Single/Double Cab 4x2/4x4
Kia Bongo III Single/Double Cab
Hyundai Porter Singe/Double Cab
Mazda Bongo Singe/Double Cab 4x2/4x4
Mazda Bongo Browny Single/Double Cab 4x2/4x4



Contact Us

Yapsambin Motor Trading Inc.

Address: 810 Plaridel St, Umapad, Mandaue City, 6014 Cebu

Phone: (032) 272 5909 | (032) 505 0946

Mobile: 0917 535 8453

E-mail: yapsambinmotor@gmail.com

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